Weekend Away

I mentioned last week my husband took me on a weekend getaway to celebrate my 30th birthday. My husband likes to surprise me, so he planned the entire weekend without any input from me { which is always a plus } He wouldn't tell me where we were going. We left our home on Friday, he blindfolded me and we began our trip, but I told him I know our neighborhood so well, I could tell which way we were leaving. He quickly began the job of making me disoriented driving all around and off we went. After what seemed like forever, especially when your blindfolded he pulled over the side of the road and opened my car door. I heard a gush of water, he removed my blindfold. Of course I couldn't see for a few minutes. but when I did....it was breathtaking. The river and snow....perfection. We were on our way to South Lake Tahoe for a romantic weekend away

Here are a few pictures from our weekend celebration of my birthday on April 3.

And away we go...

The view from our car window, on the way to Tahoe

Overlooking Tahoe lake

We had a wonderful weekend! Looking forward to going back next winter and maybe learning to ski? This summer we are thinking about a family trip to Tahoe or Sea Ranch.